About Me

I am a golfer.

Play alongside me for a hole or two and it will become very evident I am not a professional golfer though. Far from it. My relationship with golf, like most true golfers, is a love-hate relationship. 90% frustration and 10% joy. I am half kidding.

I’ve been playing golf for over 10 years and experienced the ups and downs of the game, learning and improving with each swing. I love everything about golf – from playing, to watching the pros, to shopping for the newest and greatest gear.

Lucky for me, my wife miraculously picked up the game of golf about a year ago with zero urging from me. This is good and bad. The good is now I don’t have to lie about being at the “grocery store” for 5 hours on Sunday, the bad is she picked it up pretty quickly and now questions why I shank it sometimes. All in all, it is a good time and great bonding for us.

We are spoiled to live in Southern California with an abundance of golf courses and warm weather to play year-round.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the golfing waters, you’re in the right place. Join me as I share insights, tips, and reviews from the golf course.


Contact us via email: support@breragolf.com or our contact form