Breaking the rules: how many golf clubs can you sneak into your Golf bag

By: Brera | Last Updated: March 5, 2024

Golf is a game of rules. There are rules on what you can wear on the golf course, when you can move your golf ball, where you can drive the golf cart, and the list goes on. In this article, we will answer the often-asked question: how many golf clubs are allowed in your golf bag? We will also address penalties for carrying more clubs, whether the putter counts as a “golf club,” whether you can use your playing partners’ clubs during the round, and much more.

How many golf clubs are allowed in your golf bag?

You are allowed to carry up to 14 clubs in your golf bag.

The rules of golf are set by two governing bodies: the United States Golf Association (USGA) (for the US) and the R&A (for the rest of the world). The USGA and the R&A set the rules for amateurs and professionals alike.

The USGA Rule 4 states that a player is “limited to no more than 14 clubs.”

History of rules: why a limit?

The USGA and the R&A adopted the 14 golf club limit in 1936, with it going into effect in 1938. Prior to then, golfers could carry as many clubs as they wished. To give you an idea, the 1913 US Open was won with just 7 clubs while the 1934 British Amateur was won with an astounding 31 clubs.

Why did the USGA and R&A choose 14 clubs as the limitation? Honestly, no one really knows. It is commonly thought that they chose to limit it to 14 clubs because the common set up at the time of adoption (~1930s) was 4 woods, 9 irons, and a putter (14 total clubs).

Can you carry less than 14 clubs?

Yes, you can carry less than 14 golf clubs. According to the rules, there is actually no minimum number of clubs you can carry. You just can’t carry more than 14 clubs.

A beginner golfer can (and probably should) carry less than 14 clubs. In fact, most beginner full sets are sold with as few as 7 total clubs. As one becomes a more experienced golfer, you can add to the amount of clubs you carry.

Can you carry more than 14 clubs?

No, the maximum number allowed is 14 golf clubs.

However, there is no amount restriction on the type of clubs you carry. For instance, if you wanted to carry 5 putters, that is totally fine (crazy, but fine), as long as you do not carry more than 14 total clubs.

If you carry more than 14 total clubs, you will be subject to penalty.

Penalty for carrying more than 14 clubs

If you use more than 14 clubs at any point during your round, the penalty will depend on if you are playing stroke play or match play.

Stroke Play Penalty

For stroke play, you will receive two penalty strokes per hole, with a maximum of 4 penalty stroke for the entire round. I know that sounds a little confusing so let’s illustrate with an example. Let’s say you play the entire round of 18 holes with 15 clubs in your bag (whether by accident or you really wanted to bring that extra hybrid) and your overall score for the day was 90. Because you carried 15 total clubs on all 18 holes, you would be penalized to the maximum of four strokes. Thus, your total score at the end of the day would 94 (not 90).

However, let’s say you just tee’d off on the first hole, but then realize you have 15 clubs in your bag. You are then assessed a two stroke penalty. So if you scored even par (4) on the first hole, with the penalty assessed you would score a 6 (or double bogey).

Importantly, it does not matter if you do not use the extra club(s) during the round. The only thing that matters is having it in your bag.

Match Play Penalty

For match play, the match score is revised at the end of the hole by deducting the hole. Similar to stroke play, there is a maximum deduction for the entire round – a two hole deduction.

For example, if you have 15 clubs in your bag for the first hole, the match score is revised by deducting one hole. However, if you play 9 holes with 15 clubs, you would be assessed a two hole deduction max.

Taking excess clubs out of play

To take an excess club out of play, simply inform your playing partner(s) and turn the club upside down in your golf bag.

Can you share clubs on the course?

Unfortunately, you cannot share clubs during your round. The rules are clear that you must use your own clubs to make your own stroke.

Interestingly, you are allowed to share a bag with a playing partner, but you must clearly identify which clubs are for each player.

Can you add clubs to your bag during the round?

If you are carrying less than 14 clubs, then yes, you may add clubs to your golf bag to max out at 14.

For example, if you started the round with 13 clubs, you may add one more during the round to total 14.

what types of clubs should you carry?

The types of clubs you wish to carry will depend on the individual, but here is a general breakdown of a common set-up:

  • 1 putter
  • 1 driver
  • 2-3 woods/hybrids
  • 7-8 irons
  • 1-3 wedges

As you can see, most everyone will have at least one putter and one driver. The number of woods, irons, and wedges will vary depending on skill level and individual preference.

Does the putter count as a “club”?

Yes, the putter is a golf club and counts towards the 14 club limit.

As noted above, the USGA does not care about the type of clubs you use so it is not even a requirement to carry a putter (although I strongly advise you carry one).

How many clubs do professional golfers use?

Professional golfers will carry all 14 clubs. As reported by, the European Tour conducted an interesting survey at the Tour’s DP World Tour Championship in 2021, where they found the most common golf bag set-ups:

  • 26% of tour players use a driver, two fairway woods, iron set starting at 4 iron, four wedges, and a putter.
  • 23% of tour players use a driver, one fairway wood, one hybrid or utility iron, iron set starting at 4 iron, four wedges, and a putter.
  • 16% of tour players only carried three wedges
  • 25% of tour players used a various combinations


Do you need to carry 14 clubs?

No, 14 clubs is the max amount you can carry. There is no minimum number of clubs you can carry. Most beginner sets are less than 14 clubs.

Are there specific clubs I have to carry?

No, there are no rules or restrictions on the type of clubs you can carry. You do not have to carry a driver or putter if you don’t want to (you will get some curious looks if you opt not to).

Can you ask other players what club they used?

No, the rules of golf state that you cannot give or ask for any advice from your playing partners (see USGA Rule 10.2).

Can you carry two putters at one time?

Yes, if you so wish. There are no restrictions on the types of clubs you carry. Spoiler – you cannot carry more than 14 putters though.

Has the 14 club limit rule ever been violated in real life by professional?

Yes, recent examples include Woody Austin being given a 4 stroke penalty at the 2013 PGA Championship for carrying 15 clubs. Another more recent example in 2022 saw Mark Hubbard actually be disqualified from the Houston Open for carrying 15 clubs.


There are many rules of golf and the limit on how many clubs you can carry is one of them. The USGA and the R&A limit us to 14 total clubs (including the putter).

If you think about it, it is probably a good idea that they limit the amount of clubs we can carry because I can imagine some people walking around with 30+ clubs taking 10 minutes to figure out what club to hit, causing even more gridlock out there (face palm).


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